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Fans de Tom Vize

Tom Vize Fansite. Comedy/Reality : Welcome to the world of Kathy Griffin, the ultimate D-List celebrity. In Hollywood, where everything is list-oriented, Kathy has made a name for herself by making fun of A-List celebrities (like Nicole Kidman, Renee Zelwegger, Julia Roberts, and Cameron Diaz). In her new, behind-the-scenes show, where she does everything she can to make publicity for herself, Kathy exposes the evils, and the downright hilarious, aspects of Hollywood culture, as well as her surprisingly busy life. Whether attempting to redesign her "A-List" worthy home with her live-in gay visionary Mike Nielsen, all the while trying to get free furniture for the home, trying to organize a fundraiser, or struggling to sell DVDs, you can bet that Kathy Griffin will make you laugh. Despite her "low" status, Kathy has a core support group of family and friends, including her parents, John and Maggie, husband Matthew Moline, and best friends Tony Tripoli and Dennis Hensley, Kathy proves that you can still have fun while living life on the D-List.
Cette série de Bravo (US), qui a débuté en 2005, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 6 saisons, soit 47 épisodes.

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