
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Sylvia Syms

Sylvia Syms Fansite. Comedy/Drama : Peter Davison and Amanda Redman are starring as David and Alison Braithwaite in this brilliant mixture of comedy and drama.

The story begins with Alison being given a European lottery ticket by her youngest daughter Charlotte for her 40th birthday and guess what - she happens to be the winner of £38m.

First Alison cannot believe it herself and then she is afraid of how such sudden wealth will affect her family, so she decides to keep a secret, and use the money to help others. She uses her middle name and her maiden name to create Jane Crowther and sets up a charity called the Jane Crowther Trust.
Cette série de ITV, qui a débuté en 2000, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 4 saisons, soit 26 épisodes.

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Dans la boutique des fans de Sylvia Syms

Tout ce qu'il faut aux fans de Sylvia Syms se trouve dans la boutique : Casquettes, T-Shirt, Déguisement...

Tests et Notes des Communautés de Sylvia Syms

Vidéo des fans de Sylvia Syms

FanArt Sylvia Syms : Dessins des fans