
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Robyn Brown

Robyn Brown Fansite. Reality : Kody Brown, with his four wives Meri, Janelle, Robyn and Christine and their combined 17 children, attempt to navigate life as a "normal" family in a society that shuns their lifestyle. From their unconventional family structure and living arrangements to financial challenges, each half hour episode exposes the inner workings of a polygamist household, revealing the unexpectedly tight-knit and loving relationships between Kody's wives. The series also captures the intense dynamics surrounding a man juggling three wives while attempting to keep it a secret from the outside world- but the general public is not the only challenge that the Brown family unit is facing.
Cette série de TLC, qui a débuté en 2010, comporte pour l'instant 6 saisons, soit 83 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : et Kody Brown (Himself).

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Tout ce qu'il faut aux fans de Robyn Brown se trouve dans la boutique : Casquettes, T-Shirt, Déguisement...

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FanArt Robyn Brown : Dessins des fans