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Fans de Rebecca Front

Rebecca Front Fansite. Comedy : The Thick of It is a British comedy television series that satirises the inner workings of modern British government. It was first broadcast in 2005, initially with a small cast focussing on a government minister, his advisers and their spin-doctor. The cast was significantly expanded to coincide with Christmas and Gordon Brown's appointment as prime minister in 2007, which saw a number of new characters forming the opposition party. These characters continued for its third series in 2009, and the fourth and final series about a coalition government was broadcast in Autumn 2012.
Cette série de BBC Two, qui a débuté en 2005, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 4 saisons, soit 21 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Peter Capaldi (Malcolm Tucker), et Chris Addison (Oliver "Ollie" Reeder).

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Tout ce qu'il faut aux fans de Rebecca Front se trouve dans la boutique : Casquettes, T-Shirt, Déguisement...

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FanArt Rebecca Front : Dessins des fans