
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Parker Stevenson

Parker Stevenson Fansite. Action/Adventure/Mystery/Suspense : The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries recount the adventures of the famous teenage sleuths, based on the two series of juvenile mystery novels by the Edward Stratemeyer syndicate under the names Franklin W. Dixon and Carolyn Keene. Frank and Joe Hardy are the sons of a private detective, and Nancy Drew is the daughter of a criminal attorney.

In the first season, stories alternated week by week between the two families, but in the second season the independent Nancy Drew adventures were phased out so that all were working as a team. In the third season, Nancy Drew was eliminated completely and the Hardys became more involved in cases of international intrigue.
Cette série de ABC (US), qui a débuté en 1977, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 3 saisons, soit 46 épisodes.

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