
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Mirai Umino

Mirai Umino Fansite. Drama : Churasan is a story of a young woman, Kohagura Eri, who was born in Kohamajima Island, Okinawa on May 15, 1972, the day when Okinawa was returned to Japan from the U.S. Eleven years later, Kamimura Shizuko and her two sons, Kazuya and Fumiya, from Tokyo come to stay as the guests of a small inn run by Eri's family. Eri's fun-loving, yet eccentric family welcomes them warmly. However, Eri is shocked to hear one of the sons, Kazuya is terminally ill and Shizuko and her sons came to Okinawa to spend his last moment together in beautiful nature. Fumiya, Kazuya's younger brother, and Eri promise to marry each other someday. However after Kazuya's death, Fumiya and his mother leave the island to go back to Tokyo. Years later, they are reunited, Eri as a nurse and Fumiya, a doctor, working at the same hospital in Tokyo.
Cette série de NHK, qui a débuté en 2001, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 4 saisons, soit 169 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : et Kuninaka Ryoko (Uemura Eri).

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FanArt Mirai Umino : Dessins des fans