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Fans de Marla Lukofsky

Marla Lukofsky Fansite. Animation/Children : The Care Bears keep watch over the earth to keep bad feelings at bay. Whenever a kid is feeling down, they are there to help bring a smile to the child's face. They live in a city in the sky, named Care-A-Lot. They hold meetings in the Hall of Caring to discuss important matters. Their cousins live in the Forest of Feelings. The Care Bear Cousins' leader is Braveheart Lion. Each bear and cousin has a special power, related to the symbol on its tummy. When they unite, they can use the Care Bear Stare to beam good energy at their enemies, such as No Heart, Professor Cold Heart, Shrieky, and Beastly. The bears have two modes of transportation, Cloudmobiles and Rainbow Rollers, which they fly down to earth on whenever there is trouble. They are alerted to problems by the Care-O-Meter. The Care Bears Family combined old episodes of Care Bears with new ones.
Cette série de ABC (US), qui a débuté en 1985, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 4 saisons, soit 98 épisodes.

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