
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Katharina Marie Schubert

Katharina Marie Schubert Fansite. Comedy : Heiko "Schotty" Schotte is a man whose work begins where others pass in horror: he's a contract cleaner, sent to sanitize crime scenes after the police have finished their investigations. An everyman who loves football, fast cars and good beer, Schotty frequently encounters friends, family and acquaintances of the deceased who have a much less pragmatic approach to death than he does. But in the end, no matter the scope of the crime or the size of the mess, Schotty is there to clean it all up!
Cette série de NDR, qui a débuté en 2011, comporte pour l'instant 4 saisons, soit 18 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : et Bjarne Mädel (Heiko "Schotty" Schotte).

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FanArt Katharina Marie Schubert : Dessins des fans