
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Julie Chen

Julie Chen Fansite. Reality : Big Brother, which began in 2000, has become an annual tradition for fans; every summer they are treated to new houseguests, new challenges, and new evictions! Here's how the game works: each week, there is a Head of Household challenge, where all of the players compete for the power in the house. The HoH then nominates two other houseguests for eviction. Several days later, a Power of Veto competition is held, where six players (the HoH, the nominees, and three guests) attempt to win the Golden Power of Veto, which gives the bearer the power to "veto," or cancel, one of the HoH's nominations, forcing the HoH to nominate someone else (other than the Veto bearer) for eviction. Then, in the weekly live eviction, the houseguests vote to send someone out of the house for good. Along the way are Luxury competitions and Food contests (which, if the houseguests do not win, results in Slop for the week), all leading up to the show's finale, where a panel of sequestered jurors vote for a winner, who receives half a million dollars!
Cette série de CBS, qui a débuté en 2000, comporte pour l'instant 17 saisons, soit 583 épisodes.

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