
Communautés de Fans

Fans de Julia Heinemann

Julia Heinemann Fansite. Action/Adventure/Drama : "The Air Rescue Team" is a perfectly practised team. They have nerves of steel and are ready for action within seconds when-ever there are serious casualties in Hamburg who need to be rescued. They operate around the clock and are wide awake upon command, since a moment of inattentiveness can cost human lives.

The emergency doctor Maren, the pilot Alexander, the on-board mechanic Max, and the medics Thomas and Leo have committed themselves to the motto "search and rescue". Whether it is food poisoning in a nursery school, twins born in a high-rise, a heart attack in prison, an allergic shock during cosmetic surgery, a ship in danger of explosion, a dramatic traffic accident - whatever happens, the air rescuers are there.

Of course, the five partners and friends also have personal challenges to meet: Max has problems with his great love, Lisa - Maren succumbs again to the fascination of her ex husband - Thomas worries about his son, Joschi - Alexander's flying license is at risk. They are all relieved to discover that they can remain what they are: "The Air Rescue Team".
Cette série de ZDF, qui a débuté en 0, est maintenant terminée, et comporte au total 11 saisons, soit 108 épisodes.

On retrouve dans cette série, entre autres : Ulrich Bähnk (Oberbootsmann Thomas Asmus), Oliver Hörner (/Stabsfeldwebel Bordmechaniker Jan Wollcke), Matthias Leja (Major Alexander Karuhn), et Marlene Marlow (Oberstabsarzt Dr. Sabine Petersen).

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